Better eco design starts with better insights. Better insights start with EandoX.
Use our software to untangle complex supply chains with deep linked data. Find the environmental sinkholes in the production, and the built-in AI tools to gain a deeper understanding.

Life cycle thinking
Eco design considers the environmental impact throughout a product's life cycle. EandoX helps you understand your products eco performance from creation to disposal. This allows you to minimize the negative environmental effects, while maintaining or improving product performance and quality.
Reducing waste and emissions
Apart from designing an efficient product, it's benefitial to reduce waste and emissions during production. Unfortunately, the waste generators can often be obscured in a sea of unstructured data. Our software helps you to see beyond the noise, and find areas that can be optimized, combined, reduced or removed.
Resource efficiency
One of the most impactful areas in eco design is optimizing the way you use materials and energy. EandoX makes it easy to track your preformance over time to find areas or improvement. Out software also helps you see the quality of your data, and how you perform in comparison to other companies in your segment.