Putting together an EPD used to be a complicated process. Not anymore.

EandoX takes your supply chain data and makes sure it meets all standards and regulations. Create reports or declarations in minutes, instead of days.

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Data complexity

Producing reliable EPDs requires a system that can handle vast amounts of data accurately and efficiently. EandoX spilts your data into managable, reusable and predictable entities to make it easier to manage and maintain. One change updates it everywhere.

Following standards

Making a compliant EPD requires you to not only know what standards to follow, but also how to follow them. The EPD generator in EandoX keeps track of this, so you don't have to. Focus on your product data, and the generator makes sure it is declared in the correct way.

Stakeholder confidence

Investors, customers, and regulators rely on EPD's to make decisions. Good reporting builds confidence among these stakeholders, showing that your company is serious about your sustainability commitments.

Reporting standards

Comply with standards without having to know all about them.

When creating an EPD you need to follow a regulatory standard. Therefore, a major portion of the creation time is spent on figuring out the framework of rules, how your products data fits into it, and how it should be declared.

With our EPD generator your knowledge doesn't have to be nearly as deep. Simply choose what product you want to declare, what standard you want to follow, and EandoX takes care of the rest.

The generator will ask for any missing data, inform of important points, and make sure you stay compliant. You always have the possibility to make changes in any non-required data fields.


Keep track of your products' evolution over time.

Your production chain is rarely static. Suppliers update their components, packaging and shipping changes, products get updates. With EandoX, every EPD is published as a separate version. This means that you can go back in time to see your products performance through the years. Having all the versions in one place makes it easy to overview internally, and quick to bring back up on the request of an external party.

Update once

Deep linked product data at the forefront

Product data is the heart of CSRD reporting. It includes information on the lifecycle, environmental impact, and social implications of your company's products.

EandoX takes a novel approach by breaking your product data into separate entities—such as components, packaging, transport, factories, and more.

This allows you to reuse these entities across your product range, with updates automatically propagated throughout your catalog.

Automate away the tedious tasks. Focus on what's important.

EPDs are an integral part of meeting regulatory requirements and driving your sustainability work through standardized, quantifiable information about the environmental impact of your products.

By transforming your EPD process, we help you ensure compliance, build stakeholder trust, and drive sustainable growth. 

Our software takes care of  the tedious tasks, letting  you focus on improving your business.

Ready to get your facts right?
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